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2023年5月6日 星期六

The Healing Power of Music Therapy - Helping with Emotional Issues. Rela...

音樂被視為一種具有治療效果的力量,S書中提到音樂可以影響人們的情緒心理和生理狀態,並且可以促進身心的健康,因此S認為音樂可以作為一種治療方式,幫助人們舒緩壓力,紓解疼痛,增強免疫力。 00:21 S書中也提到了一些應用音樂作為治療方式的例子,例如音樂治療可以應用於自閉證。 00:31 阿茲海默癥中風後遺證憂鬱癥等疾病的治療,以及應對手術後的疼痛和焦慮等。 00:39 此外,音樂也可以應用於身心放鬆冥想和靈性成長等方面。 00:46 總的來說,S哲思認為音樂可以作為一種治療方式,可以幫助人們維持身心的健康,增強生命力和活力,並且開啟人們的潛能。 00:58 以下是入眠音樂願,願你能有個好夢?在聆聽入眠音樂之前,可以對自己說一些溫和的話語,讓自己放鬆心情,進入更加平靜的狀態。 01:11 以下是一些可能適合的話語,我已經完成了今天的一切工作,現在是放鬆的時候,我感到非常平靜和放鬆,我將會擁抱一個好夜晚的睡眠,我完全放下了所有的煩惱和壓力,現在只專注於放鬆和休息,我感到自己很安全。 01:33 很平靜,很放心,可以讓自己進入一個深度的休息狀態,我將會享受這段時間的寧靜和安寧,並且準備好迎接一個美好的新一天。 01:46 這些話語可以幫助你轉移注意力,放鬆心情,並進入更加輕鬆和平靜的狀態,更好地享受入眠音樂帶來的平靜與舒適。 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Healing Power of Music Therapy - Helping with Emotional Issues. Relaxing the Body and Mind: The Power of Music Therapy. Improving Sleep Quality and Alleviating Sleep Problems. Relaxing the Body and Mind to the Extreme. Music is regarded as a therapeutic tool that has the power to influence people's emotional, psychological, and physiological states, and can promote overall health and well-being. In S's book, it is mentioned that music can be used as a form of therapy to help people relieve stress, alleviate pain, and boost immunity. There are also examples of using music therapy in treating conditions such as autism, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, depression, and postoperative pain and anxiety. Additionally, music can be applied in areas such as relaxation, meditation, and spiritual growth. In general, S believes that music can be a form of therapy that helps people maintain physical and mental health, enhance vitality, and unlock their potential. Here is a lullaby for you. Can you have a good dream? Before listening to the lullaby, you can say some gentle words to yourself to relax and enter a calmer state. Here are some possible words: "I have completed all my work today, and now it is time to relax. I feel very calm and relaxed. I will embrace a good night's sleep. I have completely let go of all worries and stress. I am now solely focused on relaxing and resting. I feel safe." Feel peaceful and reassured, allowing yourself to enter a deep state of rest. You will enjoy the tranquility and peace that comes with the lullaby and be ready to embrace a beautiful new day. These words can help you shift your attention, relax your mind, and enter a more relaxed and peaceful state, so that you can better enjoy the calm and comfort brought by the lullaby.

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※ 每個人都有天生的稟賦是自然的 根據S哲思的觀點,每個人都有天生的稟賦,這是與生俱來的自然能力或特質。這些稟賦可能表現在不同的領域,包括藝術、科學、領導能力、創造力等等。 S哲思強調了每個人都是獨特的個體,具備著獨特的能力和潛力。他認為這些天生的稟賦是自然的,是我...

創造.探索.覺知. 生命旅行......安於當下